VM API By Example

Given this contract:

class Contracts::OpenMintToken < Contract
  is :ERC20
  uint256 :public, :maxSupply
  uint256 :public, :perMintLimit
    name: :string,
    symbol: :string,
    maxSupply: :uint256,
    perMintLimit: :uint256,
    decimals: :uint256
  ) {
    ERC20(name: name, symbol: symbol, decimals: decimals)
    s.maxSupply = maxSupply
    s.perMintLimit = perMintLimit
  function :mint, { amount: :uint256 }, :public do
    require(amount > 0, 'Amount must be positive')
    require(amount <= s.perMintLimit, 'Exceeded mint limit')
    require(s.totalSupply + amount <= s.maxSupply, 'Exceeded max supply')
    _mint(to: msg.sender, amount: amount)
  function :airdrop, { to: :addressOrDumbContract, amount: :uint256 }, :public do
    require(amount > 0, 'Amount must be positive')
    require(amount <= s.perMintLimit, 'Exceeded mint limit')
    require(s.totalSupply + amount <= s.maxSupply, 'Exceeded max supply')
    _mint(to: to, amount: amount)

What happens when the Ethscriptions VM receives an ethscription with this data uri?


Step 1: Ethscription Validation

  • The Ethscriptions VM first validates the incoming Ethscription transaction.

  • It extracts the content_uri and decodes it to obtain the JSON payload containing contractId, functionName, and args.

Step 2: Contract Lookup

  • The VM queries the contracts table to find the corresponding contract using the contractId provided (0xdb6c87fd9b5e1aafdbc9cf4550856abde133e08e04910fe5fc319b63f5c08b3f in this case).

  • If the contract exists the VM proceeds to the next step.

Step 3: Pre-Execution State

  • The VM fetches the latest state of the contract from the contract_states table based on the contract_id.

  • The VM uses this state to set the initial values of state variables such as maxSupply, perMintLimit, and totalSupply.

Step 4: Function Parameters Validation

  • The VM determines that the mint function exists on the contract.

  • The VM then validates the parameters passed to the mint function, in this case, amount: 5. This includes type validations.

  • Checks are made according to the conditions in the smart contract:

    • amount must be positive

    • amount must be less than or equal to perMintLimit

    • totalSupply + amount must be less than or equal to maxSupply

Step 5: Execute Mint Function

  • If the validation checks pass, the VM calls the mint function.

  • _mint is internally invoked, which increases the totalSupply and updates the balance of msg.sender.

Step 6: Post-Execution State

  • A new entry is added to the contract_states table to reflect the state change post-minting.

  • This includes the updated totalSupply, and the updated balance for msg.sender.

Step 7: Log Receipt

  • A new row is inserted into the contract_call_receipts table, containing details of the function call, including:

    • contract_id

    • ethscription_id

    • caller

    • status (indicating success or failure)

    • function_name (in this case, "mint")

    • function_args (in this case, {"amount": 5})

    • logs (any events emitted or other logs)

    • timestamp

Step 8: API Availability

  • After the execution and logging, all this newly created data becomes available via API endpoints for querying or analysis.

Through these steps, the Ethscriptions VM efficiently executes the contract method, updates the state, and logs all necessary information for further interactions or audits.

Last updated