
Function Definition

You define functions with the function method with the following signature:

function :function_name, {arg1: :type1, arg2: :type2, ...}, *options, returns: return_type do
  # function body

For example:

function :tokenURI, { id: :uint256 }, :public, :view, :override, returns: :string do
  require(_exists(id: id), 'ERC721Metadata: URI query for nonexistent token')
  # ...


  • :function_name - The name of the function

  • {arg1: :type1, arg2: :type2, ...} - A hash of argument names to types.

  • *options - Zero or more flags that specify additional function characteristics like visibility (:public, :private), state mutability (:view, :pure, :payable), etc.

  • returns: return_type - Specifies the return type. This is optional but if provided, the function must return a value that matches this type.

Inside the Function Body

  • s.variableName can be used to read from and write to state variables.

  • If you write an identifier like variableName without the s. prefix, the system will look for it among the function's arguments first, and then among the contract's functions.

Calling Functions in Other Contracts

To invoke functions from another contract, the contract ID is needed. You can create an instance of that contract using DumbContract(id) and then call its methods.


  to: msg.sender,
  amount: output_amount

Automatically Generated Functions

If you have a public state variable, a getter function is automatically generated. So, there's no need to write a separate getter function for that variable.

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