

In Rubidity, inheritance allows you to create new contracts that inherit the properties and methods of existing contracts. This is similar to how inheritance works in Solidity. The is keyword is used to denote inheritance. The concept of virtual and override modifiers is also present to provide fine-grained control over inherited methods.


To declare that one contract inherits from another, the is keyword is used:

class YourContract < Contract
  is :ParentContract

This causes all of ParentContract's functions, events, and state variables to be merged into YourContract.

Conversely, if a parent contract marks itself abstract, it can only be inherited from, but never deployed:

class Contracts::ERC20 < Contract
  event :Transfer, { from: :addressOrDumbContract, to: :addressOrDumbContract, amount: :uint256 }
  event :Approval, { owner: :addressOrDumbContract, spender: :addressOrDumbContract, amount: :uint256 }

Virtual and Override Modifiers

When a contract inherits from another, Rubidity automatically merges functions from parent contracts. If both parent and child contracts have a function with the same name, the child's function will override the parent's function, provided that the parent function is marked as virtual and the child's function is marked as override.

  • virtual: Denotes that a function can be overridden in derived contracts.

  • override: Used in a derived contract to specify that the function intentionally overrides a virtual function in the parent contract.


Within a child function you can call the parent implementation with a _super_ prefix. For example, _super_transferFrom. Ordinarily only the immediate parent can be called, but in constructors any parent can be called with this more explicit syntax: ERC721(name: name, symbol: symbol).


This example shows off inheritance, overriding, and the two different forms of super:

class Contracts::ERC721 < Contract
  string :public, :name

  constructor(name: :string, symbol: :string) { = name
    s.symbol = symbol
  function :transferFrom, { from: :addressOrDumbContract, to: :addressOrDumbContract, id: :uint256 }, :public, :virtual do
    # Transfer logic
class Contracts::TransferTracker < Contract
  is :ERC721
  uint256 :public, :transferCount
    name: :string,
    symbol: :string,
    # rest of args
  ) {
    ERC721(name: name, symbol: symbol)
    # Rest of the constructor code goes here
  function :transferFrom, { from: :addressOrDumbContract, to: :addressOrDumbContract, id: :uint256 }, :public, :override do
    s.transferCount += 1 = "I have been transferred #{string(s.transferCount)} times!"
    _super_transferFrom(from: from, to: to, id: id)

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