Protocol Specification
An overview of the protocol
High Level
Indexing Mechanics
Ethscriptions protocol state is determined by indexing all Ethereum transactions in order, starting with transactions in the Ethscriptions "genesis block" and proceeding from there sequentially in order of block number and transaction index within the block. The genesis blocks are:
The Ethscriptions protocol only considers successful transaction. If a transaction has status == 0
it must be ignored—i.e., transaction status must be either 1
or null
as in the case of transactions with blockNumber <= 4370000
Creating Ethscriptions
From an EOA
Any successful Ethereum transaction whose input data (when interpreted as UTF-8, see algorithm below for doing this) is a valid data URI (see spec below) and who has a "to" (i.e., is not a contract creation) creates an Ethscription, provided the data URI is unique or the data uri has the parameter rule=esip6
. Read more.
For the URI to be unique, no Ethscription from a previous block or a transaction earlier in the block can have a dataURI with the same sha256. The sha is taken of the UTF-8 version of the dataURI.
The transaction hash of the transaction in which an ethscription was created is that ethscription's id. The recipient of the creation transaction is the Ethscription’s initial owner. The sender of the creation transaction is the Ethscription's creator.
DataURIs can be gzipped per ESIP-7 starting in block 19376500
. Read more.
From a Smart Contract
See details in ESIP-3. The start block for ESIP-3 is 18130000
Ethscription Attachments
Per ESIP-8, starting in block 19526000
you can add attachments to an ethscription using EIP-4844 blobs.
Transferring Ethscriptions
The Basics
The protocol defines for each ethscription a list of valid ethscription transfers. This list is ordered first by block number, then transaction index, then log index (in the case the transfer was triggered by an event).
The "from" in the first valid transfer is the ethscription's creator and the "to" in the final transfer is the ethscriptions current owner.
An ethscription's "previous owner" is the address that is in the "from" of the most recent valid transfer.
Transferring Upon Ethscription Creation
The creation of a new ethscription counts as a valid transfer from the "from" on the ethscription creation's transaction to the "to" on this same transaction. If I create an ethscription in a transaction with you as the "to," you are the current owner and I am the previous owner.
Transferring From EOAs
Any Ethereum transaction whose input data is an ethscription id as defined above is a valid Ethscription transfer, provided the transaction sender is the Ethscription’s owner. Because internal transactions from smart contracts do not have input data, this method only works for EOAs.
Transferring From EOAs (Under ESIP-5)
If the input data of a transaction (without its leading 0x
) is a sequence of 1 or more valid ethscription ids (without their leading 0x
), that transaction will constitute a valid transfer for each ethscription that is owned by the transaction's creator. The transaction must have occurred in 18330000
or a later block. Read more.
Transferring From Smart Contracts, Under ESIP-1
If a contract emits ethscriptions_protocol_TransferEthscription
(signature below), the protocol should register a valid ethscription transfer from the emitting contract to recipient
of the ethscription
with id ethscriptionId
, provided the emitting contract owns that ethscription when emitting the event, and the event is emitted in block 17672762
or a later block.
Transferring From Smart Contracts, Under ESIP-2
If a contract emits ethscriptions_protocol_TransferEthscriptionForPreviousOwner
, the protocol should register a valid ethscription transfer from the emitting contract to recipient
of the ethscription with id ethscriptionId
, provided:
The emitting contract owns the ethscription with id
when it emits the event.The ethscription's previous owner was
.The event is emitted in block
or a later block.
The Details
How to interpret hex input data as UTF-8
Any method functionally equivalent to this code will work. Note that null bytes are removed even though they are valid UTF-8. This is a pragmatic choice based around the special behavior of these characters in postgres string columns.
How to validate a dataURI
Any method functionally equivalent to this Ruby class will work. Note that any syntactically valid mimetype is allowed.
Base64 decoding is done according to RFC 4648 and is "strict." We do not attempt to recover from any encoding issues, meaning that encode(decode(b64_string)) == b64_string
must be true.
A good test case is the string str = "bD5="
. Lenient decoders will decode this to l>
, but the correct encoding of l>
is bD4=
and so encode(decode(str)) != str
, which means str is not valid Base64 for our purposes.
ESIP-1 Transfer Event Signature
ESIP-2 Transfer Event Signature
Last updated